Case Study Analysis Of Boston's Seafood Industry
The Port of Boston, run by the Massachusetts Port Authority (“MassPort”), hosts a cluster of seafood processing companies across three facilities in the city’s Seaport District. This seafood processing hub is home to 20-plus businesses which provide seafood to customers both local and national, and support approximately 500 local jobs. In recent years, MassPort undertook multiple initiatives and analyses to ensure the longevity of the seafood processing hub. They hired Karp Strategies and Karl F. Seidman Consulting to conduct a case study of its initiatives to support and retain Boston’s seafood industry, and to assess the role that these initiatives play in leveraging MassPort’s existing real estate and transportation infrastructure to create a vertically-integrated agglomeration of seafood businesses. Karp Strategies conducted in-depth quantitative and qualitative research and analysis to develop a case study report combining graphics and writing, outlining why and how MassPort has successfully retained seafood processing in Boston. The case study will help Massport make future decisions about its land and policies to support the vertically-integrated agglomeration of seafood businesses that exists in the Boston Harbor.