Red Hook Coastal Resiliency Project Stakeholder Engagement
The Red Hook Coastal Resiliency (RHCR) project is an effort to build an integrated coastal protection system that will reduce the risk of coastal flooding from more frequent, less severe storm surge and sea-level rise flooding while maintaining access to the waterfront and creating improved public spaces for this South Brooklyn community. Since 2020, NV5 Engineers (NV5) has been working with the NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) to design the coastal structures and infrastructure and support the project’s permitting and planning approvals.
In early 2022, Karp Strategies joined NV5 to lead stakeholder engagement as the project undergoes the 60% and final design phases, and moves towards NYC’s Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) in 2023. To ensure that concerns and feedback from Red Hook community members are heard and integrated into the RHCR project, Karp Strategies is leading strategy for and design of engagement materials, delivering inclusive outreach to community members, managing a team of translators and their materials, executing engagement events, and synthesizing feedback. Karp Strategies deliverables include: a comprehensive stakeholder engagement strategy; youth-specific outreach and educational materials; two large, multi-lingual public workshops; and a synthesis of community feedback that will inform RHCR’s final design. To support this work, Karp Strategies has subcontracted Melissa Johnson Associates to execute focus groups and small-group meetings with key stakeholders.