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November 2018 | From Port to Plate: Looking at Real Estate + Feeding Our Cities

Updated: Jan 22, 2020

Did you have salmon for dinner? What about a banana with lunch? Karp Strategies is helping clients at multiple scales who bring that food to your dinner table and corner bodega.

In Boston, we worked with the Massachusetts Port Authority (“MassPort”) to conduct a case study analysis of the city’s seafood industry. This New England project builds on Karp Strategies’ ports and waterfronts expertise, including our recent work leading strategic stakeholder engagement for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s 30-Year Port Master Plan. If your snack came into the metro area by sea, Karp Strategies may have spoken with a port community member, elected official, or government agency about the strategy behind bringing it from Rotterdam to Bayonne.

On land, we worked with Western Beef, an affordable grocery store chain based in the five boroughs. As the company looked to grow its retail and manufacturing presence, Karp Strategies led a myriad of real estate advisory and planning efforts - from applying for industrial incentives and analyzing neighborhood demographic shifts to developing a social impact and community benefits analysis that utilized high-impact graphics and data to tell Western Beef’s story.

In short? Invite us to your next meal! We’ll tell you about the industry, employment, politics, and socioeconomics of how it got there and help you take analysis to action to move your project forward.


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